Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On

For the past 10 years I have been with the same man .. We have been through alot and I bet we will continue to go through everything .. The only thing thats gonna take me away from him is the day I leave this earth.. Not everyone has that special someone in there life and Im thankful for him .. I know I can count him on for anything that I need .. I have him in my life everyday and I thank GOD for bringing him into my life and I won't change anything in the past that would've kept me from meeting him .. This song express everything that I feel about him .. I love you with all my heart and soul Johari Davis !!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


There's times in you life you are gonna hit some challenges that come in your way .. How do you handle them ?? Pray ?? Put it in Gods hands ?? Let it ride out ?? Don't stress it ?? I can name so many ways that you can deal with it.. How AM I going to deal with it .. ALL OF THE ABOVE !! That's all I can do at this moment .. Keep my head high and focus on me and mines .. I have sooooooo much on my plate right now to be dealing with small things ..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

75 more days !!!!!

Time is flying !!! We have 75 more days till our deadline date .. Its passing by soooo fast .. I was just thinking about moving to FL .. Now we are actually moving .. Its like a dream come true .. 2 weeks till we visit Orlando to look for our house .. Hopefully we can find the right one that day so we can get it over with .. Daddy got to have his pool .. We are staying at a waterpark hotel so the kids can enjoy the trip a lil .. Im hoping to take them to the beach while we are there also .. Got to make something fun about this trip .. We have soooooo many plans that we have in our minds .. This journey isn't gonna be the last .. We are on the rise ..

Friday, July 9, 2010

Exciting NEWS!!!

YAY !!! We are going house shopping .. Its offical we are taking our first trip to Orlando to look at house July 30th-August 1st .. Im hoping that it only takes one trip but I doubt it .. We are soooooo happy about this .. We get to take a lil vacation and do what we want to do at the same time .. And plus the kids will have a great time ..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WOW 87 Days !!!!!

WOW 87 days left till our deadline date of moving !!!!!!! I just decided to count the days till Oct. 1st 2010 and it is sooooooo close .. I didn't realize how close it was till I look at my calendar .. We still have to visit to pick out our house, schools for my baby girl and work .. Im ready for everything that it comes with .. Im sooooooo excited about this new adventure in my family life till I don't know what to do .. The one thing that I want to do is take a picture with my new license plate that shows that Im a resident of the Sunshine State .. I know Atlanta is going to miss our tax dollars but thats okay it doesn't look like they were using it anyways .. Thanks for coming to my blog !!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our New Life ??

Transition to Our New Life. Some of you may know what it is and some may not. For 2 1/2 years we have been wanting to move to Davenport, Florida which outside of Orlando. December 2008 I got accepted to attend Javelin Technical Learning Center to become a Certified Medical Assistant so the move was put on hold until I finished school. February 2009 I got chosen to do my externship at The Disney's Children Hospital. Having to turn down the offer due to the fact that we couldn't move right away. Instead I did my externship at Peachtree-Perimeter OB/GYN and then was hired on as a Medical Assistant. Working there would help me with the experience and help with a job at the children's hospital when we moved. Now it was the perfect time to get things back on track to move. On Sept. 21st we got hit with the Georgia Flood that came out of no where. The Flood was a set back and a eye opener. As of Oct. 2009 moving to Davenport became our #1 dream. Everything was going as planned and we were enjoying as much of life as possible. We got to visit Davenport for a week in February and got to enjoy 4 parks. We stayed in a beautiful vacation pool home. And the feeling of that it gave me to be there with my the ones I loved was the best feeling I had in years. That's all I needed to feel to know that it was right for my family. After that week we return home to find out that I was going to be laid off on March 30th 2010 because the eldest Doctor was retiring. I was SO happy that I got the chance to be at home with my family again. After going to school and working for the past 3 yrs I was missing out on the everything. But once again it gave us a set back. When I say "set back" I mean making enough money to move and have money saved for traveling to visit my stepdaughter or her visiting us. That's when I decided to find work to do from home and I came across melaleuca. Johari signed up for online classes for business and marketing. In order to make this dream come true we have to move forward for it to work out for the best. We made the decision it was time to make his company legal. So we can protect our self and the company and that's what we did. Real Life Images LLC is now official. We are working on the positive and staying away from the negative. Now it was time to put a date on it. But instead we put a deadline date of October 2010. Meaning that we will be living in our new house, new state, new city, new environment and new relationship. My baby girl is wanting her tea party with Mickey Mouse that's what shes going to get. The only people that can make this happen is The Davis Family. The only people that matters is The Davis Family. The only person I'm thinking about is my husband!!!!

July 1st 2010

On this day I started going back to work at the OB/GYN office. I hope things are a lot different from before. After being laid off back in march I had the chance to spend more time with my family. I also had the chance to start my own work from business. I will miss those family times with my babies. Going back to work will help us move faster to our dream. We are building a strong relationship for each other and I hope that this new transition is going to be easy and smooth. Thank you for viewing our blog.

June 30th 2010

Well today I decide to start a blog to help me getting rid of some of the extra time that we have on our hands .. Right now we are going through a new transition in our life that's going to hurt a lot of people. But right now we are thinking about making our family happy. I know that may sound a little selfish but we have 2 kids to raise and hopefully one day we will add ONE more to the family. The Davis Family has had its up and downs. But its now the time for us to get where we want to be in life. I would like to welcome you to The Transition to Our New Life Blog. We will get information on our day to day activities and what we are doing to prepare our self for this transition.